BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
Exit Conguration mode.
Restores the current BlackDoor Duo conguration, ignoring any changes which have been made
during the current cong session.
host name fnamestringg
Provide a unique name for BlackDoor Duo. The new host name does not take eect until a save
and reset is performed. For example:
host name Dallas IPTube
default gateway address
Enter the IP address of the default router or gateway. This must be an IP address on the same
network as BlackDoor Duo.
route add froute gatewayg
Congures a static route. The route must be in CIDR notation. The gateway is an IP address. The
interface is automatically congured LAN1 or LAN2 depending on the gateway IP address.
route del frouteg
Deletes a static route. The specied route must be in CIDR notation.
4.6.2 Cong Interface Commands
Conguration of BlackDoor Duo involves setting parameters for the LAN interfaces. The user must
specify which interface is being congured with the command:
interface [lan1 j lan2]
To move up one level, from Interface Cong mode to Cong mode, enter the interface command
with no argument. To change between interfaces when in Interface Cong mode, specify the new
interface. For example:
name(LAN1)## interface lan1
ip address address
The interface IP address is required for conguration with SSH or connectivity tests with ping. This
conguration parameter is required for LAN2 only. LAN1 is optionally congured for an IP address
Example assigning IP address:
ip address
Example removing IP address:
ip address
4.6.3 Cong BlackDoor Commands
mode fbridge j routeg
bridge species layer 2 encryption where the BlackDoor Duo acts as a bridge between the LAN1
ports of the local and remote units.
route species layer 3 encryption where the BlackDoor Duo acts as a router and the specied routes
are encrypted.
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