BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
4.3.2 Conguration Modes
For the cong and cong interface commands, Engage employs a modal approach. The user enters
the Cong mode, makes changes, then Saves those changes. On Saving the changes the user leaves
the Cong mode.
The Cong interface mode, within the Cong mode, is used to set parameters for a specied interface.
Once in the Conguration mode, the user enters the interface command. All subsequent commands
apply to the specied interface.
The command prompt indicates the mode of operation:
name# the single \#" indicates standard mode
name## indicates BlackDoor Duo is in the Cong mode
name(LAN1)## BlackDoor Duo is in Cong Interface mode for LAN Port 1
To move up one level, from Interface Cong mode to Cong mode, enter the interface command
with no argument. To change between interfaces when in Interface Cong mode, specify the new
interface. For example:
name(s1)## interface lan1
Note: The LAN1 port is the private (local) interface, commonly receives data and LAN2 is the
public (WAN) port and generally sends data.
4.3.3 Syntax for Command Parameters
fg == one of the parameters in set is required
[ ] == one of the parameters in set is allowed (optional)
4.4 System Level or General Commands
Allows setting or modifying the login password. The BlackDoor Duo ships with default passwords.
On entering the passwd command, the user is prompted to enter, and conrm, the new password.
bye j quit j logout
Any of these commands will terminate the user session. If you have unsaved conguration changes,
you will be prompted to save or discard the new conguration.
Resets BlackDoor Duo.
ping fdest.addressg [src.address] [ [ fnumberg] ]
Sends an ICMP ECHO message to the specied address. Any source address from an interface on
BlackDoor Duo can be used. This can be useful to test routes across a LAN or WAN interface.
By default, only 1 message (packet) is sent. A numeric value can be entered to send more than one
upgrade [user@]fSFTP hostg:fFilenameg
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