BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
5 Troubleshooting
Communication and Network systems are subject to problems from a variety of sources. Fortunately,
an organized troubleshooting approach usually leads to the area of the problem in short order. It is
essential to distinguish between problems caused by the LAN (network system), the WAN equipment
(communication equipment) and BlackDoor Duoconguration.
This troubleshooting section is structured with symptoms in the order the user might encounter
5.1 Unable to Communicate with BlackDoor Duo
Installations rst require communication with the BlackDoor Duo through console access or from
the network, usually the same network as BlackDoor Duo itself. Proceed through the following
symptoms if you are unable to communicate with the local BlackDoor Duo using SSH, Ping, etc.
IP Addressing should be double checked if accessing the unit via the network.
5.2 Ethernet/General
Cause: Network Cabling is faulty
Solution: Verify cabling is good by swapping BlackDoor Duo cabling with a known good cable and
connection. Check the status LEDs on the 10/100/1000BaseT switch to conrm a good connection.
If necessary, create a stand-alone LAN with just the workstation and BlackDoor Duo.
5.3 High Ethernet Error Count
Cause: Bad cabling or building wiring
Solution: Check all cabling. Swap to known good port on 10/100/1000BaseT switch or hub to
troubleshoot, (testing with large Ping Packets to ascertain quality of Ethernet Connection). To
eliminate issues with building wiring connect BlackDoor Duo with a known good Ethernet cable in
the same room as the Ethernet hub.
5.4 Can't Communicate using SSH with the BlackDoor Duo
Cause: IP address is not set properly on the BlackDoor Duo
Solution: The Console Port (using cable included with the product) provides direct access to the
command line interface of BlackDoor Duo. The Console port utilizes the CLI, detailed in Command
Line Interface. Here the IP address can be double checked for accuracy.
Cause: Workstation not on the same subnet as the BlackDoor Duo
Solution: During an initial conguration of an BlackDoor Duo, communication should come from
within the same net/subnet. With no default router, BlackDoor Duowill not be able to reply to
communication o its own subnet.
Cause: IP stack on the workstation not congured
Solution: Ensure that other devices on the same LAN can be pinged, or otherwise 'seen'.
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