BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
4 Command Line Interface
Command Line access to BlackDoor Duo may be via a serial connection to the Console port or an
SSH connection to the Ethernet interface.
SSH provides a secure communications facility dening a standard method of interfacing terminal
devices to each other. Any standard SSH client can be used to communicate to an Engage BlackDoor
Duo provided there is IP connectivity between the User Host and the BlackDoor Duo.
For communication through the Console port, standard terminal communication software is used.
4.1 Console Communication
Serial communication to the console port should be congured for:
115200 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, 8 bit xed, ow control none
Please use the provided USB to DB9 serial converter to connect to the BlackDoor Duo's USB port.
The DB9 side of the cable will connect to a computer that is running a Terminal Server program
(TeraTerm, HyperTerm, etc.). It is typical to connect the DB9 to another USB to DB9 serial
converter as DB9 serial ports are not common on todays computers. In this case, use the NULL
MODEM ADAPTER provided to allow communication between BlackDoor Duo and computer. The
use of the null modem adapter is necessary when using two USB to DB9 serial converter cables.
4.2 Logging in to BlackDoor Duo
An SSH session is opened by providing the IP address of the BlackDoor Duo. On opening
a Command Line Interface, (CLI) session, via the Console port or SSH, the login prompt
requires entry of a login ID.
The default login ID: root.
BlackDoor Duo is shipped with default passwords. Passwords are set or modied with the
passwd command, detailed below.
4.3 Overview of Commands
The Engage CLI supports shorthand character entry. At most 3 characters are required for the
parsing of commands. For example: show conguration can be entered as: sh con. The CLI is
not case sensitive. Description of the commands uses both upper and lower case for syntax denitions
and examples. A full description of the command line interface follows.
4.3.1 Categories
The command set can be divided into four categories:
Cong Interface
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