BlackDoor Duo
Engage Black
SFTP (secure le transfer protocol) provides a means for upgrading BlackDoor Duo rmware in
a TCP/IP environment. An SFTP upgrade may be accomplished from a CD provided by Engage
Communication if the user can congure their own local SFTP server and place the appropriate
upgrade le, from the CD or from Engage Tech Support, on the server.
Once a connection to a SFTP server site has been established, issue the upgrade command.
upgrade [email protected]:/users/chris/bd-duo.upg
Note that an BlackDoor Duo which is running an upgrade must go through a reset when performing
an upgrade. This may cause the SSH connection to drop. If this does occur, simply re-establish the
SSH connection.
maxpeersallowed maxpeers-allowed-string
Enter a string provided by Engage Black that is used to change the maximum number of peers
allowed on the BlackDoor Duo.
4.5 Show Commands
show interface [lan1 j lan2] finfo j statisticsg
Provides details on either LAN interface. If no interface is specied, either the current interface per
\interface" command will be used, or all interfaces will be shown.
info details the port type, port state, etc.
statistics lists the packets transmitted, received, etc.
show [black j qkd] info
info black details the status of the encryption tunnels. info qkd details the status of the quantum
key distribution network.
show router provides general conguration and status information, including the Ethernet
hardware address and the rmware version.
show cong all provides a list of all conguration parameters. No argument is the same as all.
This list provides the basis for storing an BlackDoor Duo conguration into a local text le. The
full conguration can be edited oine.
show cong interface [lan1 j lan2]
If no interface is specied, either the current interface per the interface command will be used, or
all interfaces will be shown.
show cong router lists BlackDoor Duo Hostname, etc.
show log displays a log of the BlackDoor Duo peer to peer QKD communication.
4.6 Conguration Commands
4.6.1 Cong Commands
Enter the conguration mode, at which point the following commands may be used.
Save the changes and exit Conguration mode.
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