Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 48 von 69
Count interval
[1min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 1h, 12h, 24h,
1 week, via trigger object]
The count interval can be selected here. After the
selected time the intermediate counter is reset.
Before resetting the current intermediate counter
reading is copied to the group object of the
previous value. The reset time instances of a
intermediate counter are synchronized with the
time, that is e.g.at time interval of 1 min the
counter is reset each when the second indicator
of the clock is 0. At 15 min counting interval the
counter value is reset corresponding to each
synchronized 1/4 hour, that is e.g. 00:00, 00:15,
00:30, 00:45.
Note: Since intermediate counters are
synchronized with the time, the counter readings
only reset at the defined times (and automatically
transmitted on the bus), if a time has been
transmitted to the group object “time” of the
If the value is set “on trigger object” then the
corresponding object is released. If in this case
the value ON is transmitted to the trigger group
object “Reset counter value”, then this has the
same effect as reaching the interval limit in the
above case.
Transmit counter
value before resetting
[Yes / No]
After updating the group object “previous. value”
at a count interval limit, this group object is
transmitted automatically on the bus. The
message is delayed in accordance with the
parameter of “General offset when transmitting
intermediate counter values”
Transmit counter
values cyclically
[0,1,2...17280, 0 = not transmit cyclically]
The counter value of the group object “Current
value” can be transmitted cyclically.
Message at limit
[Yes / No]
When exceeding or falling below the limit value of
the intermediate counter a group object can be
transmitted. Release of the limit parameter and of
the group object. See also section Message of
limit values
Adopt limit value from
[flighty / permanent]
The limit value, adopted by the bus, can either be
valid only until the next reset or override the
configured value permanently.
Limit value (Wh)
[-32767, -32766, ... -1, 0, 1 ... +32767]
Limit of the intermediate counter. This parameter
is only enabled when the counted value of the
intermediate counter is an energy counter.
Limit value(Cent)
[-32767, -32766, ... -1, 0, 1 ... +32767]
Limit of the intermediate counter. This parameter
is only enabled when the counted value of the
intermediate counter is a cost counter.
Under the tab “Tariff” the following settings can be made:
Figure 36: Parameter Tariff
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - Deutschland - [email protected]