Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 38 von 69
Transmit measurements cyclically (x10s)
The group objects with the below-mentioned
measured values of channel 1, 2 or 3 are
transmitted cyclically in temporal distance of the
parametrized values
Transmit current cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Transmit power factor cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Transmit THD-U cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Transmit THD-I cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Transmit spectrum U cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Transmit spectrum I cyclically
[Yes / No]
It is set whether the measured value is
transmitted at the above-mentioned cycle time.
Message at limit value (current)
[Yes / No]
When exceeding or falling below a threshold value
of the current on channel 1, 2 or 3 a group object
is transmitted. Release of the limit parameter and
the group object.
Limit value (x0.1%)
[0, 1, 2 ... 1000]
Limit value of the current on channel 1, 2 or 3,
which shall be monitored. The limit is given here
as a percentage of the reference current. See also
section Message of limit values.
Message at transient current peak
[Yes / No]
In case of an appearance of a transient current
spike with a peak value min. 140A a group object
is transmitted. If 140A is exceeded 1 is
transmitted. Release of the group object.
Transient currents (operations) are not predictable
(at random) and of a limited duration. They are not
repeated periodically and their shape can not be
clearly predict. Transient current spikes can be
caused e.g. by lightning strikes or switching a
large capacity or a large transformer (Inrush).
Message at limit value (THD-U)
[Yes / No]
In case of exceeding or falling below of a limit
value for THD-U on channel 1, 2 or 3, a group
object is transmitted. Release of the limit
parameter and the group object.
Limit value (x0.1%)
[0, 1, ... 255]
Limit value of THD-U on channel 1, 2 or 3.
Message at limit value (THD-I)
[Yes / No]
In case of exceeding or falling below of a limit
value for THD-I on channel 1, 2 or 3, a group
object is transmitted. Release of the limit
parameter and the group object.
Limit value(x0.1%)
[0, 1, ... 255]
Limit value of THD-I on channel 1, 2 or 3.
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - Deutschland - [email protected]