Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 20 von 69
again summarizing the delivery of energy. Thereby the time intervals are synchronized with the
day time, so that the counting intervals only start and end at times XX:00 (=every hour), XX:15
and XX:45. Finally the 3-phase energy delivery of the last 15 minutes is transmitted cyclically
after each quarter of an hour by this parametrization. Thereby the delivery of energy of
intermediate counter 1 is transmitted via the group object “Energy counter-previous value” on
the bus. The delivery of energy is transmitted in unit Wh.
Similarly the “Intermediate counter 2” is configured to transmit the energy fed into the grid every
15 minutes on the bus:
Figure 18: Settings „Intermediate counter 2“ Example 2
By selecting the counter value “ Active energy counter (generation) - three-phase” only the
energy flux is counted in negative power flux direction.
Finally in “Intermediate counter 3” the counter is configured for the balanced energy:
Figure 19: Settings „Intermediate counter 3“ Example 2
In contrast to the “Active energy counter (consumption)” and “Active energy counter
(generation)” the “Active energy counter (balance)” counts all the time. Its counter value can
increase or decrease, whereas the consumption counter only increase and the generation
counter only decrease. With the balancing counter neither the energy costs or the compensation
can be calculated. Nevertheless the course of the day of the balancing counter shall be
recorded, as seen directly from this, to what extend the purchase of an additional battery storage
for solar energy would be useful.
The “Intermediate counter 4” is used to calculate the daily energy delivery costs. As a counter
value it has to be used a “Tariff costs counter (consumption)”. Thus, this counter only counts,
when energy flows in positive power flux direction. As later in the example the delivery rate for
the current is deposited in the rate of tariff 1, the “Tariff costs counter (consumption) - tariff 1”
has to be used as a counter value:
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