Maintenance and care
Maintenance and care
Risk of electric shock! Do not touch!
Prior to commencing any maintenance or cleaning work, switch off the device and un-
plug the power plug.
The following maintenance and care tasks can be performed by the customer:
Cleaning and disinfection of the housing and sample block
Replacing the fuses
Installation or replacement of color modules
All maintenance work and repairs beyond that listed in this chapter may only be per-
formed by Analytik Jena customer service or persons trained and authorized by Analytik
Jena. Any unauthorized intervention limits warranty entitlements. If the device exhibits
any faults or defects, please contact Analytik Jena customer service immediately.
Cleaning the housing
Risk of short circuit!
Switch off the device before all maintenance and cleaning work and remove the power
plug from the socket.
Do not use any dripping wet cloths for cleaning. No liquids are permitted to enter the
device interior.
Only put the device back into operation after cleaning when it has completely dried.
Do not use concentrated alcohol, organic solvent or abrasives for cleaning. These can
cause damage to the device housing.
If the device becomes contaminated during daily use, cleaning with a damp cloth is suffi-
Only wipe the device housing with a soft, clean cloth which can be wetted with a com-
mercially available neutral cleaning agent, if necessary.
Cleaning the sample block
Risk of eye injury!
Wear safety goggles when blasting the sample block with compressed air.