Fault removal
Biometra TRIO
Version 03_19
Fault removal
Forgotten password
Passwords can be changed by the systems administrator(s) and by users with the acti-
vated right E
(see chapter "Edit user" p. 81). If the administrator Admin has
forgotten the password and no one else has the right E
use the function
(see chapter "Factory settings" p. 77) to reset the system and load a
backup file (see chapter "Backup" p. 92) to restore it.
Slow heating and cooling
The Biometra TRIO is equipped with a strong ventilator for the cooling of the heat
sink. The inlet of this fan is located at the bottom side of the instrument. Make sure
the inlet is not clogged by dust or other material (e.g. a sheet of paper placed under
the cycler can be attached to the inlet as the fan is in operation). Dust can be removed
easily from the inlet using a conventional vacuum cleaner.
Auto restart
The Biometra TRIO Thermal Cycler features an automatic restart. If a power failure
occurs during the run the instrument will continue the run when the power returns. In
case of long- term power failure (longer than 30 minutes) the instrument the instru-
ment keeps the sample block at 4°C (freeze step) and the user can decide to repeat the
run with the same samples or to discard them.
: After power failure the user has to log in again. In addition for a limited time
information can be displayed.
Auto restart due to unrecognized power failure
High voltage fluctuation can lead to an automatic restart of the Thermal Cycler. In this
case the cycler restarts at the step where there power failure has occurred. A message
is displayed showing (a) that a power failure occurred during the run and (b) when
and at which step the program was started again. To avoid voltage fluctuation, do not
connect the cycler to a socket shared by a strong power consumer like a refrigerator or
a centrifuge.
: After power failure the user has to log in again. In addition for a limited time
information can be displayed.