Biometra TAdvanced
Function and setup
Version 02_20
The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler features a 7" state-of-the-art color
touchscreen user interface. The touchscreen is built-in at a flat angle to ensure
reflection-free viewing and ergonomic programming. For programming PCR protocols
the software incorporates Biometra's proven spreadsheet philosophy and alternatively
offers graphical programming. One touch of a button leads from the spreadsheet to
the alternative graphical programming mode. This makes the creation of new
programs or editing existing programs fast and easy.
User-specific quick start of programs
Many other thermal cyclers offer a so-called "List of latest programs used". In the list of
latest programs used a certain number of PCR programs is collected and offered for
quick start. The list is typically ordered only by date and the user has to search for the
desired program. In contrast the Biometra TAdvanced software creates a user-specific
list and only the latest programs started by the currently logged-in user are offered for
quick start. Even if a lab member does not use the device for a longer time, the
information on the latest programs started by this user will not get lost.
For maximum convenience the Biometra TAdvanced software additionally features a
program preview. Before the start of a program the protocol steps are summarized in a
clearly arranged table by the program preview tool. The preview therefore provides a
comprehensive overview of the protocol structure without the need to access
programming screens. The program preview is also available before the quick start of
Easy programming
Creating new PCR programs takes a lot of time if for each single step all parameters
have to be set manually. The Biometra TAdvanced offers two options for easy protocol
Pre-installed program templates
Protocol wizard
The Biometra TAdvanced software offers several pre-installed program templates for
different applications. The program templates provide a general protocol structure and
can be easily adapted for the current experiment.
The protocol wizard offers the comfort to create specific PCR programs by just a few
inputs. The protocol wizard is based on program templates for specific polymerases.
For up to eight different polymerases program templates can be saved in the Biometra
TAdvanced software and just the annealing temperature, cycle number and product
length has to be filled in to create a specific PCR program. Optionally two-step or
three-step PCR programs can be created by the software. Furthermore the protocol
wizard includes a primer annealing temperature calculator and the calculated
annealing temperature T
value can be used for protocol creation.