User Manual
Chapter 2
Sep 2019
See below
These LEDs slow blink amber in unison. Firmware Update Mode
(bootloader update mode)
Fatal Error Blink Pattern
If the PROFINET Scanner detects a fatal error, it attempts to write diagnostic data to
nonvolatile storage. The OK LED fast blinks amber. If the module has been configured to
blink fatal error codes, it starts blinking the error code after writing the diagnostic data to
nonvolatile storage. The OK, FAULT, CONNECT, LAN, Port 1 and Port 2 LEDs flash amber
once to indicate the start of the error code. After a pause, the OK LED blinks a 2-digit
hexadecimal error code. The OK LED first blinks to indicate the most significant error digit,
then after a one-second pause blinks again to indicate the least significant error digit.
Repetitions continue until the module is reset or power-cycled.
Module Identification LED Pattern
The Identification LED blink pattern described above can be used to locate and/or identify a
PROFINET Scanner, for example, when assigning its Device Name. PAC Machine Edition or
any DCP client can be used to command the module to begin or end the blink pattern.
Firmware Update Mode Blink Patterns
Blink patterns described in the table above indicate that a firmware update of the PROFINET
scanner is underway. Because the update is being done through the USB port, the USB LED
also blinks to indicate activity on the USB port.
Firmware Updates
The PROFINET Scanner enters firmware update mode when commanded to do so from the
Winloader update utility, or if a firmware component is corrupt or invalid.
In firmware update mode, the PROFINET Scanner module blinks its LEDs in a special pattern
as described previously, and its Ethernet ports are not operational.
If the PROFINET Scanner is currently in use by an IO-Controller and the controller is in Run
mode, all attempts to update the PROFINET scanner firmware are rejected.
If the PROFINET Scanner has experienced a fatal error, the module goes to an LED blink-code
error condition and does not communicate with Winloader, causing Winloader to return a
timeout failure indication. The module must be restarted or power-cycled before
reattempting the update.
When the firmware update is completed and the PROFINET Scanner is rebooted, its previous
connections are re-established and control resumes.