26 • MultiFlex CUB-II and CUB-TD I&O Guide
026-1705 Rev 7 06-APR-2010
Evap Fan
This field shows the ON/OFF state of the
case circuit fans.
7.2.4. Defrost
Information about defrost for the CUB case
lineup is shown in the fields at the bottom right
side of the screen.
Peak Temp @ defrost
This field shows the highest case tempera-
ture value recorded during the last defrost cycle.
Defrost Term Type
For reference, the Defrost Termination Type
is displayed on this screen, showing the strategy
that is being used to terminate defrost cycles.
There are several possible values that can appear
Time -
Defrost always lasts the entire programmed
defrost duration.
Digital -
A digital temperature sensor will close to
terminate defrost.
Term Temp -
A dedicated analog temperature sen-
sor is being used to measure termination temp and
compare it to the programmed termination setpoint.
Min Case Temp -
The lowest of all available case
temperature sensors is always used as the termina-
tion temperature for purposes of comparing it to the
termination setpoint.
Suction Pressure -
Defrost terminates when the suc-
tion pressure rises above a programmed setpoint.
Case Temp 1-6 -
One of the six possible case tem-
perature inputs is being used as the termination tem-
perature for purposes of comparing it to the
termination setpoint. The number shown indicates
which Case Temp input is being used.
Defrost Term...
This field will change based on what the
Defrost Termination Type (
Term. Type
in the
Defrost Setup screen) is set to:
Defr Term Act State
: appears when Defrost Term
Type is set to
• Blank
the field is blank when Defrost Term Type is
set to
will appear in the
Defrost Term
Defr Term setpt
: appears when the Defrost Term
Type is set to
Suction Pressure
. This field will con-
tain the suction pressure termination setpoint in
Pressure. During defrost, you can compare this set-
point to the
Suction press
input value in the left-
hand column.
Defr Term Temp Setpt
: appears when any other
Termination Type is selected (all other types are
Temperature). Defrost Term Type will show the se-
lected Temperature Termination Type.
Defrost Schedule
For reference, the Defrost Schedule pro-
grammed for this CUB is shown at the bottom of
the right side column in this screen. The sched-
ule shows the times during each day that a
defrost cycle will begin.
7.2.5. KW Usage
If a KW transducer is being used to measure
the condensing unit’s power consumption, the
KW consumption information measured by the
CUB is shown in a pair of fields on the left side
of the screen.
Current KW
This field shows the current reading of the
KW transducer.
7.3. Programming The CUB Us-
ing the E2 or Einstein Front
A CUB’s setpoints can be viewed and
changed via the E2 or Einstein front panel inter-
face. Programming a CUB using E2 or Einstein
is similar in form to programming any other E2
or Einstein application, except changes made to
CUB configuration are made directly to the
CUB board’s programming, not to the E2 or Ein-
stein’s programming.
NOTE: If you are programming a CUB-TD
from the E2 or Einstein front-panel interface,
refer to Configuring Setpoints in E2 or Ein-
stein for CUB-TD on page 64 for setup instruc-
tions specific to CUB-TD.