Programming The CUB Using the E2 or Einstein Front Panel
The MultiFlex CUB E2/ Einstein Interface • 43
Case Defr Dly
Because the case temperature can be consid-
erably higher in a case that is exiting defrost, the
Delay After Defrost allows you to prevent high
case temp alarms from occurring for a fixed
amount of time after the end of a defrost cycle.
Enter the desired delay in hours:minutes
(H:MM) format.
Case Temp Low
The Case Temp Low Setpoint is the tempera-
ture at which a low case temperature alarm will
be generated.
Case Temp Low
The Case Temp Low Delay is the amount of
time the case temperature must be below the low
case temp setpoint before an alarm will be gen-
erated. Suction Temperature Alarms
The CUB is capable of calculating suction
temperature based on the suction pressure and
refrigerant type. You may program the CUB to
generate an alarm for high and low suction tem-
perature values.
Suct Temp High
The Suction Temp High Setpoint is the suc-
tion temperature that, when exceeded, will cause
a high suction temperature alarm to be gener-
Suct Tmp Dly
The Suction Temp High Delay is the amount
of time the suction temperature must be above
the Suction Temp High Setpoint before an alarm
will be generated. The Suction Temp Low Delay
is the amount of time the suction temperature
must be below the Suction Temp Low Setpoint
before an alarm will be generated. Enter the
desired delay in hours:minutes (H:MM) format.
Suct Temp Low
The Suction Temp Low Setpoint is the suc-
tion temperature that, when fallen below, will
cause a low suction temperature alarm to be gen-
erated. TD Condenser Control Alarms
Drop Leg High
The Drop Leg High alarm setpoint is the
drop leg temperature that, if exceeded, will
cause an alarm to be generated. If you wish to
generate an alarm for high drop leg temperature,
enter the desired setpoint in this field. Other-
wise, to disable this alarm, leave the value set to
Drop Leg Dly
If you are using the high drop leg tempera-
ture alarming feature, enter the amount of time
the drop leg temperature must be higher than the
setpoint before an alarm will be generated
TD High
The TD alarm setpoint is the value of the TD
calculation that, if exceeded, will cause an alarm
to be generated. If you wish to generate an alarm
for high TD, enter the desired setpoint in this
field. Otherwise, to disable this alarm, leave the
value set to
TD Dly
If you are using the TD alarming feature,
enter the amount of time the TD must be higher
than the setpoint before an alarm will be gener-
ated (HHH:MM).