8 • MultiFlex CUB-II and CUB-TD I&O Guide
026-1705 Rev 7 06-APR-2010
Numbering the MultiFlex
The MultiFlex CUB is a unique board type
on the RS485 Network by the CPC controllers.
Each CUB that will be associated with an E2 or
Einstein must have a unique number from
1 to 31, which is configured by setting the first
five switches on dip switch bank S3.
3.1.3. Setting the Baud Rate
All I/O boards have dip switches that deter-
mine the baud rate at which they communicate.
Currently, the baud rate dip switch in network
components may be set at either 9600 or 19200
baud. Either may be used — refer to your site
controller’s user manual for the baud rate recom-
mendation (currently 9600 baud for REFLECS,
E2, and Einstein controllers).
On all MultiFlex boards, switches 6 and 7 on
S3 are used to set the baud rate. To communicate
at 9600 baud, set switch #6 UP and #7 DOWN.
For 19200 baud, set switch #6 DOWN and #7
UP. Refer to
Figure 3-2
for a visual look at how
the switches must be set.
3.1.4. Setting the Terminating Resis-
tance Jumpers
All MultiFlex boards and other RS485
devices have a set of terminating resistance
jumpers (one jumper for each wire lead). These
jumpers are labeled JP2, JP3, and JP4 on the
MultiFlex board.
The purpose of the jumpers is to indicate the
two ends, or termination points, of the segment.
On a daisy chain, one device at the beginning
and one device on the end must be terminated by
placing all three termination jumpers in the OUT
(toward the left edge of the board) position. All
other devices on the daisy chain must be set to
the IN (toward the center of the board) position.
Figure 3-3
shows the proper terminating resis-
tance jumper settings for the E2, Einstein, and
for all I/O boards.
Figure 3-2 - CUB-II Baud Rate Switches
Figure 3-3 - I/O Network Termination Jumper Settings