user manual
12.2 Probe visualisation
Press key to visualize the value of the probes
configured on the unit (press or to
visualize all the probes).
12.3 Set point visualisation and modification
Press key to read the value of the set point (cooling set point if the Ichill is in cooling mode,
heating set point if the Ichill is in heating mode, cooling and hating set point if the Ichill is in STD_BY
or remote OFF, Domestic hot water when enabled).
It is also possible to read the status of the Energy saving, the status of the Dynamic set point and the
real value of the set point if the Energy saving or Dinamic set point are active.
To modify the set point (Cooling, Heating or Domestic hot water):
• use the keys to select the value of
the set point
• press
• use the keys to modify the value
• press to confirm the operation
12.4 Alarm visualisation
Press key to read the alarm status; the alarm status can be:
the alarm is still active and it is not possible to reset it
the alarm is not active and it is possible to reset it
Manual reset procedure:
• use keys to select the alarm
• press to reset the alarm