RELEASED: 10/2/2006
Page 17
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The transmitter main cabinet (chassis) consists of three sub-chassis module
containment areas; the Up-Converter drawer, the Power Supply sub-chassis, and
the Power Amplifier sub-chassis.
All of the modules and circuits located in the Up-Converter drawer are accessed
through the top of the drawer, and maybe exposed by sliding the drawer outward to
the front and removing the lid.
The Power Supply sub-chassis provides space for two power supply backplanes,
with each backplane providing three power module positions. The standard
configuration for the HSD-2500 provides one backplane in the upper position which
accommodates three hot-swappable, plug-in, fan-12/-12V volt power supply
modules. One power supply module is furnished in the standard configuration. An
additional backplane may be ordered as optional equipment, which allows for three
more power supplies which will provide additional power supply redundancy. Up to
six power supply modules may be configured with optional upgrades. Consult the
factory for details regarding power supply upgrades.
The Power Amplifier sub-chassis provides space for up to eight 12.5 watt (average
power) Power Amplifier modules. The HSD-2500 is configured with two Power
Amplifier modules in the standard configuration. The transmitter may be upgraded
to a higher power with the installation of additional modules. Output power
configurations up to 400 watt peak/100 watts average power are available. Consult
the factory for the details of output power upgrades.
To access the internal portion of the Up-Converter Drawer, use the handles to slide
the drawer forward then loosen the four fasteners securing the lid. This exposes the
modules, circuit boards, and wiring of the Up-Converter drawer. It is not necessary
to slide the main chassis out of the equipment rack to access the internals of the Up-
Converter drawer.
To access the main chassis lower compartments, slide the transmitter out of the
rack using the rack slides. Loosen the six fasteners retaining the main chassis top
cover, remove the top cover, and then slide out the Up-Converter.
To remove the +12 Volt power supply module, loosen the thumb screw retaining the
module and then, using the handles, slide the power supply forward out of the power
supply sub-chassis.