*The adjustment range is dependent on the used sensor and the number of stored calibration tables on the SonoTT
On Transducer (e.g. CT3/8x3/32“A: ± 10 lpm, 2 calibration tables).
** The adjustment procedure and adjustment steps are similar to those of the flow measurement system (see also
Setting the Upper and Lower Flow Limits
Setting the upper and lower flow limits (Hi-Limit and Lo-Limit)
The maximum adjustment range for the upper flow limit is between -31.0 lpm and +32.0 lpm and that of the
lower flow limit lies between -32.0 lpm and +31.0 lpm. The limits can be changed in 10 mlpm steps in the ± 200
range, in 0.1 lpm steps in the range from ± 200 mlpm to 5.0 lpm, and in 1.0 lpm steps above ±5.0 lpm.
In general the flow limits are dependent on the
max. flow
of the used sensor (e.g. CT3/8x3/32“A: ±10.0 lpm).
Whenever the flow value exceeds this threshold, an alarm will be activated.
It is not possible for the upper and lower flow limits to overlap.
The minimum amount between the two flow limits corresponds to the step size.
The flow limits can change if the SonoTT
Clamp-On Transducer is exchanged because the
max. flow
of the
sensor limits the
adjustable range.
Setup of the Calibration Curve (Table No.)
Each SonoTT
Clamp-On Tranducer is programmed at the factory with different calibration tables. In the menu
Table No.
the desired calibration table can be selected. The numbers of available tables are shown in the
No. Tables.
With the integrated PVC/Silicon–selection, a manual selection is not possible.
Adjustment of the Calibration Factor (Aux. Cal.)
In the
Aux. Cal
mode, the factor is set by which the measured value will be multiplied. This factor can be set
in the range from 0.50 to 2.00 in steps of 0.01 (e.g. factor =1.12 → the flow value is increased by 12%).
Setup of the Calibration Mode (Cal. Mod.)
In this field the
Aux. Cal
mode can be activated (
Aux. Cal.
) or deactivated (
No Mod.
). This mode can be used
when the user wishes to calibrate the measurement system to a certain value. After activation a warning will
be shown on the display (see also the chapter „Alarms and Error Messages“). The default value is 1.00.
Ultrasonic FlowComputer
Page 70
D108-702 SonoTT
Ultrasonic FlowComputer - Operating Instructions V4.0
Copyright em-tec GmbH