Information about the Manual
Information about the Manual
This Manual provides technical guidelines on the safe operation of the machine. Read the
Manual through carefully prior to installing, commissioning and operating the machine. Reading
and understanding this Manual is a requirement for the safe and correct use of the machine.
This Manual does not contain any repair instructions . Please contact your supplier or Eltra
GmbH directly in the event of any queries or questions concerning this Manual or the machine,
or in the case of any faults or necessary repairs.
Further information about your machine can be found at
/de on the pages
relating specifically to the machine.
Revision status
Document revision 0005 of the "ELEMENTRAC CS-i" Manual has been prepared in accordance
with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
1.1 Explanation of signs and symbols
The following signs and symbols are used in this Manual:
Additional or further information is
shown here.
Further or additional information.
1. First instruction.
2. Next instruction.
Numbered paragraphs contain a series of
instructions. An instruction can end with a result.
Tab 1: Signs and symbols used
1.2 Disclaimer
Die v orliegende Bedi enungs anleit ung w urde wi th größt er Sorgfalt ers tellt . T echnisc he Änder ung en sind v orbehalt en. F ür Pers onensc häden, die aus der Nichtbef olgung der Sic herheits- and W arnhinw eis e i n di es er Bedienungs anl eitung resulti eren, wird k eine H af tung übernommen. F ür Sac hsc häden, die aus der Nichtbef olgung der Hi nweis e i n dies er Bedienungs anl eit ung r esul tieren, wird k ei ne Haf tung übernomm en.
This Manual has been produced with the greatest care. We reserve the right to make technical
modifications. We shall accept no liability for any personal injuries resulting from the failure to
comply with the safety information and warnings in this Manual. We shall accept no liability for
damage to property resulting from the failure to comply with the instructions in this Manual.
1.3 Copyright
This Manual or parts of it may not be duplicated, distributed, edited or copied in any form
without the prior written consent of Eltra GmbH. Damage claims will be asserted in the event of