SMG digital gateway
Transit enable–
When you enable a transit, the channel will be excluded from SS7 stream and will
be transmitted directly over semi-permanent connection through a SIP interface;
SIP interface –
interface through which transit is implemented;
voice codec, which will be used for transit. If you chose 'by default', the codecs which were
configured on the selected SIP interface will be negotiated;
Е1 stream
E1 stream on remote side , to which the channel will be connected;
channel of E1 stream on remote side to which the channel will be connected;
Active side
if you enable this option, SMG will initiate connection for the channel transit. If you
disable the option, SMG will be a receiving side for the channel.
Click 'Stream transit' button for enabling transit for all channels on the stream with the same settings. The
list of settings will be the same as for single channel, except the 'number of channel' field, which will not be
available in this mode, every channel number on the active side will be comply to channel number on remote
Dial plan
This section defines transition prefixes to trunk groups.
The device features up to 16 independent numbering schedules. Every numbering schedule may have its
own subscribers and prefixes. To set the number of active schedules, see section
System Parameters
The device routes calls using 2 criteria:
Search by caller number—CgPN (Calling Party Number).
Search by callee number—CdPN (Called Party Number).
When a call arrives to a numbering schedule, its routing begins; first of all, a search for matches to CgPN
number masks is performed. If a match is found, the call is routed and further search is stopped.
When call parameters do not match CgPN masks and the subscriber number, a search by all CdPN masks
configured in the numbering schedule is performed.
If both CgPN and CdPN number masks are configured in prefix parameters, this rule uses OR
logic, i. e. the call is not analysed for CgPN and CdPN numbers simultaneously.