SMG digital gateway
Request sending attempts—
the number of request retries to a server. When all attempts are used,
the server will be deemed inactive and the request will be forwarded to another server if it is
specified; otherwise, an error will be detected.
Server inactivity timeout after failure (sec)—
amount of time when a server is deemed unavailable
(requests will not be sent to it).
Network interface—
the selected network interface to send RADIUS packets from.
User authorisation WEB/telnet/ssh through servers RADIUS-authorization
—enables authorisation
on the RADIUS server when a user tries to access the device via web interface, Telnet, or SSH.
When login/password are entered, an Access-Request packet is sent to the RADIUS server. In case
of success authorisation, the server replies with Access-Accept and the user is allowed to access
the device; otherwise, access is denied
Profile List
Profile Parameters
Enable RADIUS-Authorization—enables/disables transmission of authentication/authorisation
(Access Request) messages to the RADIUS server.
Enable RADIUS-Accounting—enables/disables transmission of accounting (Accounting Request)
messages to the RADIUS server.
Modification Parameters
Modifiers for InCdPN—
the selected callee (CdPN) number modifier for the incoming connection in
relation to the
Called-Station-Id, xpgk-dst-number-in
fields of RADIUS-Authorization and RADIUS-
Accounting messages.