BCU 480 · Edition 06.07
The burner control units BCU 480 control, ignite and monitor
gas burners for intermittent or continuous operation. As a re-
sult of their fully electronic design they react quickly to various
process requirements and are therefore suitable for frequent
cycling operation.
They can be used for industrial burners of unlimited capacity
which are ignited by pilot burners. Pilot and main burners may
be modulating or stage-controlled. The BCU 480 monitors pilot
and main burners independently. The pilot burner can burn
permanently or be switched off. The BCU is installed near to
the burner to be monitored.
On industrial furnaces, the BCU reduces the load on the cen-
tral furnace control by taking over tasks that only relate to the
burner, for example it ensures that the burner always ignites
in a safe condition when it is restarted.
The air valve control assists the furnace control for cooling,
purging and capacity control tasks.
The program status, the unit parameters and the level of the
flame signal can be read directly from the unit. The burner
can be controlled manually for commissioning and diagnostic
If the local requirements on the burner control unit change, the
PC software “BCSoft” can be adjusted to the unit parameters
of the application by using the optical interface.
The service personnel is supported by a convenient visuali-
sation system of the input and output signals and the error
The BCU unites the
functionally interre-
lated components
of automatic burner
control unit, igni-
tion transformer,
mode and display
of operating and
fault statuses in
a compact metal