Technical Manual MSR Universal Stage Controller
Page 7
Stage Cont Pressure Transmitter (Compressors)
The control setpoint is preset by P04 as a pressure value.
There is no need for an access code. The hysteresis P10 is
located symmetrical around the control setpoint.
Forward (Stages on)
If the measured pressure value exceeds the setpoint (P04
plus ½ P10 (hysteresis), the forward delay P20 will be
started. After this timer is run down, a stage will be switched
ON and the timer starts again. Read at P33 if a delay time is
still running and when a stage will be switched on or off.
Neutral zone
If the actual pressure value is located within the limits set by
P10 (hysteresis, located around the setpoint), then no stage
will be activated or de-activated.
Backrun (Stages will be switched off)
If the actual pressure value falls short of P04 minus ½ P10,
the backrun delay P21 will be started. After this timer is run
down, one stage will be switched off, the timer starts again,
and so on.
Stage Controller
The control characteristic of the stages differ depending on the
operating mode and the selected sensors (P28).
To prevent that the final user adjusts the setpoints to an inadmis-
sible value, the setpoint range can be limited by P08 and P09.
Stage Cont Pressostat (Compressors or Fans)
The MSR gets the Forward/Backrun informations from a
Pressostat (or another potential free contact).
Functions depending on analog informations are not availa-
ble if this sensor is selected.
Forward (Stages on)
If the Pressostat is switched to 'Forward', the forward delay
P20 will be started. After this timer is run down, a stage will
be switched ON and the timer starts again. Read at P33 if a
delay time is still running and when a stage will be switched
on or off.
Neutral zone
If the contacts of the Pressostat are open (mid position), then
no stage will be activated or de-activated.
Backrun (Stages will be switched off)
If the Pressostat is switched to 'Backrun', the backrun delay
P21 will be started. After this timer is run down, one stage will
be switched off, the timer starts again, and so on.
Stage Controller for Brine-Chillers
The control setpoint is pre-
set by P04 as a tempera-
ture value (this is the set-
point for stage 1 at the
same time). There is no
need for an access code.
The following stages
switch in a distance to the
previous stage (P05, P06, P07). The
hysteresis P10 is located symmetrical around the setpoints.
Forward (Stages on)
If the measured temperature value exceeds one of the
setpoints (P04 - P07) plus ½ P10 (hysteresis), the forward
delay P20 will be started. After this timer is run down, the
corresponding stage will be activated and the timer starts
again. Read at P33 if a delay time is still running and when
a stage will be switched on or off.
Neutral zone
If the actual value is located within the limits set by P10
(hysteresis, located around all setpoints), then no stage will
be activated or de-activated.
Backrun (Stages will be switched off)
If the actual temperature value falls short of a setpoint - ½
P10, the backrun delay P21 will be started. After this timer is
run down, the corresponding stage will be switched off, the
timer starts again, and so on.
P 1 0
s t a g e O N
s t a g e O F F
w a r m
Stage Cont Press. Transmitter (Condenser Fans)
The control setpoint is pre-
set by P04 as a pressure
value (this is the setpoint
for stage 1 at the same
time). There is no need for
an access code. The fol-
lowing stages switch in a
distance to the previous
stage (P05, P06, P07). The hysteresis
P10 is located symmetrical around the setpoints.
Forward (Stages on)
If the measured pressure value exceeds one of the setpoints
(P04 - P07) plus ½ P10 (hysteresis), the forward delay P20
will be started. After this timer is run down, the corresponding
stage will be activated and the timer starts again. Read at
P33 if a delay time is still running and when a stage will be
switched on or off.
Neutral zone
If the actual pressure value is located within the limits set by
P10 (hysteresis, located around all setpoints), then no stage
will be activated or de-activated.
Backrun (Stages will be switched off)
If the actual pressure value falls short of a setpoint - ½ P10,
the backrun delay P21 will be started. After this timer is run
down, the corresponding stage will be switched off, the timer
starts again, and so on.
P 1 0
s t a g e O N
s t a g e O F F
w a r m