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7. Secondary Functions
7.1 Preset
The Preset function provides a simple mechanism for stepping through repeat positions
using the work-to-zero principle. Press [
] key to enter this mode. It also takes into
account positioning errors for repeated points. The first time that you enter the function, the
previous move error is set to zero. In this way pressing only {
} recalls any previous
axis preset value.
Axis preset values are not maintained after a power cycle. The setting of the axis preset
value does take into account the error of any previous move. The value that you enter is the
step move value.
Pressing {
} again recalls the axis preset value and takes into account the error of
any previous movement. Pressing {
} after a power cycle results in a zero value.
The value of the axis Preset value that you enter is maintained until power-off. In this way
pressing after returning to the Preset function after exiting it previously, recalls the previous
axis-preset, without error adjustment as the error is set to zero on initial entry.
The values displayed do not affect the axis positions and the axis datum is restored when
you exit the Preset mode function.
7.2 Sub Datum Memory (SDM)
This function allows the DRO to store upto 1000 sub datum points. Each Sub-Datum stores
coordinates for all 3 axes (X, Y, and Z). In operation, the datum of the machine is replaced
by each Sub-Datum in turn, allowing the operator to work to zero for each Sub-Datum
instead of having to constantly refer to printed list of coordinates. SDM no. is displayed on
the main screen during working in this function
Sub-Datums are different machining steps that you may need. In operation, the absolute
datum of the machine is replaced by each Sub-Datum in turn, so you can work to zero for
each step instead of having to constantly refer to a printed list of coordinates.
Using this function, you can create as many as 50 jobs each containing up to 20Sub-Datum.
Here, a job is a group of Sub-Datums for a particular job. Each job labeled with “SDM-JOB”
which is stored in the permanent memory. Example: if at top side “SDM-JOB 2/7”, display
means there are total 7 SDM job present and out of which 2 is currently selected.
Absolute Datum