Pag. 37
Electronic Broadcast Equipment
Menu #14: Software Reset
This field performs a software reset if knowing at least the level 1 password. The main purpose of this reset
is to input a new password level; its action is similar to turning off and on the mains to the transmitter. A
software reset will lead to a small interruption of the RF output power which will be re-established in 1-2
seconds, while lock on frequency will not be lost. No transmission or sensitivity parameter is lost in
consequence of software or hardware reset.
To execute a software reset the "ENTER" key must be pressed twice
Menu #21: Output Power Set
This field derives from #01, in command mode. The direct power value blinks selecting it with left and
right arrows and the field acts pressing the enter key; the up and down keys are used to set the numeric value.
The output power will vary in real time. Confirming the final value with an "enter", will write the new setting
in the memory of the transmitter. Escaping will instead abort the change. A local time-out will automatically
delete the input if the input it self not confirmed in 30s from the last change.
Menu #22: Multiplex, Left & Right Input Level Set
This field in command mode, with the 2nd level password authorisation, serves to set LF input channels
sensitivity, i.e. multiplex, left and right channel. Keep in mind that the multiplex and the right signals share the
same channel and the sensitivity is set to the same value for both right (or multiplex) and left channels, with
a differential error <0.2dB at any level. Allowed range is -3.5 ÷ +12.5 dBm.
The first line of the display shows the modulation, while the bottom line shows the required input level for
a 100% modulation. Of course, increasing the nominal input level will accordingly decrease the modulation,
if the modulatotion signal amplitude is kept constant.
Dir Power: 1990 W
Refl Power: 25 W
MPX 75.0kHz + 0.0dB
Nom.input = + 6.0dBm