Pag. 36
Electronic Broadcast Equipment
Menu #12: Elapsed Time
This field shows the elapsed time and whether the transmitter is on the air (or in stand-by with the mains
applied). There is no way to change the reading.
Menu #13: Password Management
This field shows the password status and allows the user to change the code and/or the status in command
mode, when in possession of the necessary level authorisation for that level or an higher one. No code is ever
shown and no access is permitted to a level higher than current authorisation.
If the password is unknown, lost or if it was changed by mistake, it is possible to change the level status
and code if holding the higher password. In this case the lower level passwords can be changed and
confirmed; no possibility instead to know what it was the old password. This means that it is always possible
to change the 1st or 2nd level passwords, even if they are unknown, if respectively the 2nd or 3rd level
password are correctly entered.
If the password or the status is changed, it is always required to confirm the correct password for that
level. In case a lower password permission is actually entered in regard to the needed action, it is possible
to input the higher level passwords or performing a software reset, if permitted, or turning off and on the mains
voltage through the rear mains switch or an external switch.
The 3rd level authorisation, when set, will stay valid untill a display time-out is performed, i.e. usually 3
minutes after the last command. Navigating through the menu or performing some action will extend the time-
If the password status is set as "ON" for the level 1, a hung-up follows after the time-out. This is intentional
to prevent unauthorised people from browsing the transmitter parameter. Transmitter performance will be
unaffected by this condition. Any attempt to access the transmitter will cause the password request: if an
invalid password is entered, it needs to wait for the time-out to permit a new attempt or to remove the mains
power from the transmitter, so causing an hardware reset. Even in this case, the first request will be still that
to input a valid password.
000356 HOURS
code=**** status=OFF