EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. VIP Checker HC-121 Instruction Manual V2
Pg. 11
6. Software
HC-121 has two types of software: Calibration software (TCCal_V34xx.exe) for calibrating the Sensor Unit and
Measurement Software (TCDac_V74xx.exe) for entering barcode information, viewing the measurement results
and status information.
To calibrate the Sensor Units, use 3 (or 2) reference VIPs with different thermal conductivities that are primarily
prepared and measure all reference VIPs with each of the 5 Sensor Units. The calibration software takes the
relationships between the thermal conductivity and the voltage from the measurements and determines the
approximation on a straight line, and then calculates the slope and intercept, which will be set as the calibration
value for each Sensor Unit.
Measurement Software displays the measurement results from the Sensor Units and the test statuses of each
Sensor Unit.
The measurement results are saved in a specified folder in text format.
* xxxx indicates the software version number.
6-1. Installati on an d Uninstallation
1. Software Installation
1) Turn on the PC power, and start up the Windows.
2) Once the Windows is started up, insert the installation disk in the CD drive.
3) There are two softwares: Calibration Software and Measurement Software, in the installation disk.
Find the file [setup.exe] from [HC121_Software_Installer] [Calibration Software Verxxxx] [English],
double click to start up.
a. Once the [setup.exe] file is started up, the
following window is displayed to start the
installation preparation. Click Next > button
to continue.
Figure 6-1. Installation Wizard: Welcome