parts, such as oils and fuels must be handled in accordance with the relevant environmental
protection rules.
3.5.6 Hazardous area:
Hazardous area usually refers to the following range: vehicle or its load
lifting devices (e.g. fork or accessories) is dangerous for personnel when running or lifting
movements, or the ongoing regional transport loads. Typically, this range extends to the load or
vehicle accessories landing area.
Unauthorized personnel must be asked to leave the dangerous zone. As long as the situation might
cause some kind of damage, the driver must give a warning, if the driver asked the person to leave
but did not leave the hazardous zone, the driver must immediately stop the vehicle.
3.5.7 High-risk environment
Working in high-risk environment, operator must have a special
design to be protected
The vehicle was not specially designed for the high-risk environment.
3.5.8 Safety devices and warning signs:
Safety devices, warning signs and warning notes
described in the previous operating instructions must be taken seriously enough.
3.5.9 Driving in public places:
the vehicle is forbidden to drive in public places expect in specified
special areas.
3.5.10 Distance between vehicles:
keep an appropriate distance, avoid the front vehicle suddenly
3.5.11 headroom:
When the headroom is below the cargo or mast, it is forbidden to use the vehicle.
3.5.12 Using in the elevator and loading platform maneuvering:
if there is sufficient loading
capacity, won’t affect the operation of the vehicle, and being agreed by the operator of the vehicle,
then the elevator and loading platform can be used for vehicle transport. Before entering the elevator
or loading station, operator must personally identify. The goods must be placed in front and occupy
an appropriate place, to avoid touching the wall of the elevate when the vehicle enters the elevator.
When personnel and vehicles take the elevator together, person can enter only after the vehicle has
safely entered, and person must leave before the vehicle.
3.5.13. Driving aisle and working area:
The vehicle must be operated on the specified aisle, all
non-related person must leave the work area, and cargo should be stacked in designated places.
3.5.14 Operation Management
Driving speed must be adapted to local conditions. When through
the corners, narrow passage, swing doors and closed place, speed must be slowed down. Drivers