Performing Backup and Restore
This chapter provides information about how to back up or restore information to the system. The EB-34 ships with
system software pre-installed on the hard disk drives (HDDs). A factory-installed backup partition is available for
restore if there is no on-site usable backup.
You can use three features to create backups and restore the backup images:
Fiery System Installer
You need to have the System Software DVD 1 to start the Fiery System Installer.
Fiery System Restore
You can access Fiery System Restore from the WebTools Home tab.
for more detailed information on the Fiery System Installer and Fiery System Restore.
Command WorkStation and Configure WebTools
Using these feature makes you create a single backup file that contains the system configurations.
The system image does not include VDP/FreeForm resources. To back up the FreeForm masters 1 and 2, save
the configuration settings as described in
“Backing up the system configuration”
Table 1:
Details of the backup and restore using Fiery System Installer and Fiery System Restore
Backup method
Description of backup
Bootable option
Possible destination
Restore method
Fiery System Restore in
Tab >
Fiery System Restore
Create Backup (Fiery factory
Factory default image,
manually backed up. Includes
factory default version of
software and configuration
Does not include print job
information (print jobs, job
logs, and job settings such as
paper size).
Factory default
image can only be
saved as a bootable
image, and requires a
bootable USB device.
USB device only.
Can restore
directly from
Fiery System
Fiery System
Fiery System Restore in
Tab >
Fiery System Restore
Create Backup (New image)
Customized image, manually
backed up. Includes contents
of C drive (except for items
excluded by standard
Windows back up process,
such as items in recycle bin).
Includes software updates
and current configuration
Does not include print job
information (print jobs, job
logs, and job settings).
Bootable option
supported for USB
devices only.
Can also create a
non-bootable image.
USB device or
internal hard disk.
If bootable,
can restore
directly from
Fiery System
Fiery System