Document: UMAU015088.docm
Revision: A08
Created by: KJB
Date: 26 Sep 2019
Source Location: C:\ePDM\ISLEng\products\au-micromag\manuals\UMAU015088.docm
Page 20 of 29
User Ma
Tether Handling
The tether is one of the most important parts of the system.
It feeds power and control signals to the
system and returns data to the controller. If the tether is damaged from improper use, poor handling or an
accident, the system may become inoperable. This could lead to significant downtime, loss of production,
and avoidable costly repairs. It is encouraged to stress the importance of the tether and its use to anyone
operating or maintaining the system. For maximum tether life and reliability, we recommend the following
tether handling tips.
Do not step on the tether
Do not drive over the tether
Do not bend the tether beyond its minimum bend radius
Do not kink the tether
Do not snap load the tether
Avoid loading the tether whenever possible
Always use the cable grip strain relief if applicable to your system
Regularly inspect the tether for damage
Regularly clean the tether
Protecting the conductors inside the tether is critical to the life and operation of the tether.
Proper tether handling and care will result in extended tether life and system reliability.
Connector Handling
Connectors are an essential part of system reliability. They should be properly maintained and cared for
to ensure long life and reliability. It is recommended to follow these steps to help prevent damage and
increase the life of connectors.
Always put the cap back on the tether bulkhead when the tether is disconnected
Always inspect the end of the connector prior to engaging
Never plug in a dirty or damaged connector
Visually align key-ways or locating pins prior to engaging the connector
Always fully engage or tighten the connector
Secure locking collars finger tight
Install dummy plugs on unused connectors
Disconnect by pulling straight, not on an angle
Do not pull on the cable to disengage the connector
Never “Hot Plug” any connector, this will result in internal damage to the
electronics. Power down the system prior to connecting the inspection system tether.