“CopySU>MO” ignore this and press the "+”
button once to arrive at “SWITCH ON 1”
“MO 00:00”
Press the "MENU" button once and the
hours “00” part of the display will start
This sets the hour the heating will start for
the first of three possible on times per day
Adjust the hour by pressing the "+" and "-"
buttons. When the correct time is displayed
confirm by pressing "MENU" button once
and the minutes part of the display “00” will
start flashing.
Adjust the minutes by pressing the "+" and
"-" buttons. When the correct time is
displayed confirm by pressing "MENU"
button once. Press the "+” button once to
arrive at “SWITCH OFF 1” “MO 00:00”
This sets the hour the heating will switch off
for the first of three possible off times per
Adjust the hour by pressing the "+" and "-"
When the correct time is displayed confirm
by pressing "MENU" button once and the
minutes part of the display “00” will start
Adjust the minutes by pressing the "+" and
"-" buttons. When the correct time is
displayed confirm by pressing "MENU"
button once.
Press the "+” button once to arrive at
“SWITCH ON 2” “MO 00:00”
Repeat as above to programme all 3 start
and 3 end times
If you wish to ignore any periods then
simply enter "0.00".
Please note due to the nature of the pre-
programmed boiler software there may be a
half-hour delay in the CH system start and
off times.
This period can be offset by adjusting the
on and off times.
e.g. if you leave the house at 10:00 then
enter 9:30 and if you are returning at 12:.30
enter 12.00.
Always confirm the times with the "MENU"
Programming all periods - note: you may
ignore any blocks by entering 00:00 with the
exception of “SWITCH ON 1” and “SWITCH
OFF 1” for which you must enter a real time.
After you have programmed all three on and
off period’s press the "+" button to arrive at
“<-BACK” Press the MENU button and you
will arrive at TUESDAY.
Press the MENU button again and you will
arrive at COPY “MO -> TU”
You can now copy the previous days
program onto the next day e.g. Mondays
times to Tuesday by pressing MENU or
alternatively program in new times by
pressing “+” button and repeating the
process described in the previous section.
To copy the previous days program Press
the "MENU" button, you arrive at:
Press the "MENU" button once to copy and
the display will change to “WEDNESDAY”.
Press the "MENU" button, you arrive at:
Press the "MENU" button once to copy and
the display will change to “THURSDAY”
Repeat the process until all day have been
copied or changed as required and you
arrive at <- BACK.
To exit this second submenu, from <-BACK
press "MENU" button once and you will
arrive at SET HW TIMER
From here you can either continue to
programme the unit or return to the
operating display menu by pressing “+”
repeatedly until you arrive at <-BACK then
exit by pressing menu.
Setting the hw timer
This programme enables the setting of 3
time blocks (3 start and 3 end times) per
day (24 hours) for higher and lower
temperatures of the supply of tap water.
This menu has two submenus:
a. the days of the week
b. the start and end times of each block
EC 16~38 Installation Manual page 59