Mona Installation
Complete Mona installation consists of performing a system check,
disabling Windows system sounds, installing the Mona PCI card,
connecting the rack-mount audio interface to the card, installing the Mona
Windows drivers into your system and, if necessary, installing a multitrack
audio recording/editing application.
System Check
The first thing you should do is check the display settings for your
computer. The Mona Echo console software requires a minimum resolution
of 800X600 with small fonts to display properly.
To check your display settings, go to the Windows Control Panel, which
can be found under Settings from the Start button. In the Control Panel
window you will find an icon titled “Display.” After double clicking on
this icon, the Display Properties window will appear. Click the Settings
tab at the top right of this window. At the bottom right of the window you
will see a box labeled Desktop area or Screen area. Inside the box is a
slider that allows you to select different resolutions for your monitor. You
should set the resolution to at least 800x600 and click the Apply button.
At this point, Windows will display a dialog box that will either ask you to
restart windows or will merely tell you it is about to resize your desktop.
Click the OK button. Windows will now resize your desktop, either on the
fly or by restarting Windows. If it resizes on the fly, it will ask if you want
to keep this setting. Click Yes. If Windows restarted, you will need to open
the Display Properties window again and click the Settings tab. You
should see a drop down window labeled “Font Size.” If you do not, then
click the Advanced button on the bottom right of the window. Make sure
this is set to Small Fonts. If it isn’t, select Small fonts and click the Apply
button. Windows will now restart. If you really need to use large fonts,
then you should have a minimum resolution of 1024x768.
Next, you should consider the capabilities of your hard drive. Unless it is
more than a year old, you should be fine. If it is older, or you would just