Esync – Esync is a proprietary from of super clock that is used to
synchronize two or more Echo 24-bit products like Mona, Layla24, Gina24,
and Darla24. While Gina24 and Darla24 have both input and output
connectors on their PCI cards, Mona and Layla24 only have the Esync
output connectors. You will notice that there is no actual “Esync” setting
on the Mona Console. This is because Mona is always generating Esync
clock on its Esync output, but does not receive Esync input. For more
information please read step 6 in the section entitled “Installing the Mona
Hardware” in this manual.
Now let’s take a look at some possible configurations and how you might
set them up from a synchronization standpoint.
Let’s start simple. Suppose that Mona is the only audio device used in your
system. Since you have no other devices to synchronize with, simply select
“Internal” for Mona’s input clock. Mona will then use its own clock to
control its operation.
Now a little more complicated set-up: You have two Monas connected.
Simply set Mona #1 to “Internal” for its input clock. Now connect the first
Mona to the second one via a BNC cable running from Word Clock Out on
Mona #1 to Word Clock In on Mona #2. Now select Word clock for Mona
#2’s input synch. Your Monas will now operate in unison.
No matter how many devices you are synchronizing, the concept is
essentially the same. You are merely “daisy-chaining” devices together
using compatible clocks. One device will operate as the source of the master
clock, with each successive device using that clock to sync.