Q: What I really want to do is use a software synthesizer or
sampler like Gigasampler, Reality, or Retro AS/1. What's the
best way to use this with an audio and MIDI sequencer like
Cubase VST or Cakewalk?
The best thing you can do is run the synthesizer/sampler application first,
then run the sequencer. Make sure that each application is set to use a
different set of inputs and outputs.
Cubase VST is somewhat harder to get going in multi-client mode. For
more information, please refer to the Cubase VST section of the “Audio
Software FAQ” in this manual.
Q: Can I run a Direct Sound program, an ASIO program, and
a wave program all at the same time?
Sure. If you don't understand the question, don't worry about it.
Q: What's the downside to all this?
The main downside is that your computer may very well have a hard time
keeping up! If you fire up three different audio apps at once, your computer
is probably going to struggle unless you have a really hot machine. The key
here is memory, more memory, and a fast CPU.