Appendix B: General Troubleshooting Guide
Problem: After installing Mona, one or more of your peripheral devices no
longer functions properly.
Solution: During the installation of your Mona, it is possible that an
interrupt conflict was created. Please see Appendix C: Resolving
Interrupt Conflicts for more information on this topic.
Problem: You installed Mona and restarted Windows. Now Windows
indicates that it has found new hardware and wants you to install a driver
for it. This hardware was working perfectly well before you installed Mona
and the driver for this hardware was already installed.
Solution: It is possible that during the installation process you moved an
existing card from one slot to another. Windows keeps track of installed
devices, not only by peripheral type, but also by physical location. In
moving a card from one slot to another, Windows will no longer recognize
the card as one for which a driver is installed. You must re-install the driver
for the card that was moved.
Problem: You installed multiple Monas, and you get several error messages
telling you that Windows is unable to open the Mixer Library.
Solution: You can ignore these error messages and click “OK”. Now
restart Windows. After you restart, everything should work normally. The
error messages only appear when you install an additional Mona. This will
be fixed in a future driver release.
Problem: You are unable to get your DAT recorder to recognize Mona’s
S/PDIF output.
Solution: Digital information is transmitted in either of two modes,
“professional” or “consumer.” The professional mode is usually
implemented in devices that are likely to be used in professional recording