♦ Process Origin
The Process Origin is a gray vertical line at the left edge of the Data Graph to indicate
where the process starts. The Process Origin is automatically set by the software when
the data is uploaded from the M.O.L.E.. When Points or Distance units are being used
for the X-values, the X-values to the left of the Process Origin are displayed as negative
and those to the right as positive.
Figure 4- 38: Process Origin
To move the Process Origin:
1) Select the Process Origin line by positioning the mouse pointer anywhere on the
2) Press and hold the left mouse button.
3) Move the line by dragging it left or right.
4) Release the mouse button when the Process Origin is at the desired location.
The X/Y Readout in the Status Bar indicates the true position of the Process Origin
while it is being moving. After the mouse button is released, the X-Readout changes to
zero at the Process Origin and displays negative numbers for X when the mouse pointer
is moved to the left of the Process Origin.
X-Cursor values are automatically adjusted when the Process Origin is moved.