® Data Plots
The Data Plots in the Data Graph represent the data for each of the WaveRIDER
sensors. Each sensor is represented by a different color that corresponds to the color of
its sensor location description in the Data Table.
Figure 4- 37: Data Plots
A Data Plot in the Data Graph can be suppressed or restored at any time by clicking the
check box with the corresponding sensor description in the Data Table. This allows the
user to view any combination of the Data Plots or individually.
When two or more Data Plots overlap the same values, the Data Plots overwrite
each other. For example, if the Data Plot that represents the Coupon Top sensor
and Coupon Bottom have the same value, the Coupon Top Data Plot will only
appear unless the user suppresses it.
When printing a Data Graph in black and white, suppressing one or more Data Plots is
useful for clearing a view of a Data Plot that is obscured by others near it.
When printing the Data Graph in black and white, the Notes tool can be used to
help identify each Data Plot.