P a g e |
of 29
Ecco Stove | Foster House | 2 Redditch Road | Studley | B80 7AX | United Kingdom
| +44 (0) 1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
For all patents
See Addendum
Painted finish note:
As the Silicon Carbide masonry body of the Ecco Stove will absorb both temperature and moisture it
is possible that in certain environments of high humidity or where condensation is present either in
the surroundings or within the flue, it can cause paint to bubble or flake on the stoves outer body.
This typically occurs after re-firing when the stove has periods without use during the colder
weather or when building works such as fresh plaster have taken place in and around the area the
stove is situated.
In this event simply rub down the affected area with a light sandpaper or wire brush to remove loose
material, clean and respray with the paint provided. If you do not have the original paint provided
with the stove you can purchase Thermacure or Calfire high temperature spray and brush on paints
from most wood burning stove outlets. Always apply the paint when the stove surface in 25°c or
lower or as per the instructions on the paint if lower.