WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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IN1 - IN4
Signal inputs. Possible connection of detectors contacts or
alarm control panel outputs. GND terminal is common for
all inputs.
Type OC output.. It may control external device. Provides
ground during activation.
Connect to the positive pole (+13,8V) of the EBS power
Connect to the negative pole of the power supply.
After careful connections examination a battery may be connected (to +/- AKU
terminals of LX-ZAS power supply) and then power may be switched on for
transformer and programming procedure of transmitter may begin (see Chapter 6).
Manufacturer reserves the right to amend appearance of printed circuit
with no effect on functionality of device.
Inputs IN1 - IN4 might work as normally closed (NC) or normally open (NO).
Additionally inputs might be configured as end of line (EOL-NO or EOL-NC) with
resistors 2,2kΩ or as double end of line (DEOL-NO or DEOL-NC) with resistor 1,1kΩ.
Figure 4. Configuration of input lines