WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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Transmitter WX2NB
is an advanced microprocessor device, made with surface
moulding technology and designed according to the latest trends. It is intended for
data package transmission from electronic building security systems or from other
technical devices through a wireless connection to a local area network (WLAN).
Due to many settings a transmitter may be applied with many systems of various
requirements. The device is basically purposed for data transmission from security
systems installed in detached houses and in small business facilities. It also have
input for connection of an alarm control panel’s phone communicator. This provides
for a cheap system of data transmission.
Communication with a monitoring station follows by Wi-Fi technology.
An advanced encoding methods like a 256 bytes encoding key and AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) provides for security of data transmission. As a result
reception of this transmission is possible with OSM.Server monitoring receiver
Programming of receiver is possible:
Locally on computer and with recommended “GPRS transmitter
configurator” software
- via Wi-Fi network