WX2NB Manual v.1.0
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data between an control panel and a transmitter. There is possibility to control this
situation. Choice of this option result in sending a report to monitoring station if
time of picking up the phone exceeds determined time limit.
Report when intervals between dialled digits of phone number
are longer than
This option is being used if in configuration WX- Alarm Control Panel there are not
other telecommunication devices. If such device will be connected and telephone
number will be dialled (and a call will follow) after expiry defined time limit (counted
since conclusion of last digit dialling) the transmitter sends a message. This
operation prevents unauthorised installation of additional devices.
Generate dial tone
Some alarm control panels require that during a receiver picking up a tone of
dialling was actuated. To enable cooperation with a transmitter it is possible to
make a transmitter to generate such tone.
Detect off-hook after
The default value for the delay detection off-hook 100ms. You can define your own
delay value by choosing option "After" and giving the number in milliseconds.
First and Second phone number
To provide for proper cooperation between a transmitter and a control panel in
DTMF mode determination of some parameters is required. The below described
functions are analogous to the both telephone numbers that may be saved in the
device memory.
DTMF phone number
This is a number that has been saved in memory of an alarm control panel. If the
panel is to transmit information on an event it shall dialled this number.
Transmission of this information via Wi-Fi will be possible if this number will be
identical as a number entered into the transmitter.