Flowmeter Calibration
Fill the chemical tank with water. For example, if the chemical tank is 10L, fill the
tank accurately to 10L. Enter the "Pump" page, fill in 10 for the tank capacity and 0
for the coefficient, and then tap "Calibrate Flowmeter", the water pump will spray
water automatically, wait for the water pump to stop automatically after all the water
in the tank is sprayed, and then tap the "Settings" button to complete the flowmeter
Water Pump Calibration
Fill the chemical tank with water, and then tap "Calibrate Water Pump", a popup
will appear: the water pump is ready for calibration. Please ensure that there is water
in the chemical tank during the calibration process, otherwise the accuracy of
calibration will be affected. After the calibration, the water pump will close
automatically. Tap the "Confirm" button in the popup.
Figure 11 Water Pump Calibration