APRIL 2023 www.eaton.com.cn
5. Relay and Digital Input (PT25 only)
5. Relay and Digital Input (PT25 only)
5.1 Relay Configuration
There are 3 relay modules integrated in the PT25 frame module which are used to indicate status information to other systems.
Refer to Section 8 to know details about relay connections on the terminal block. Note that relays require auxiliary power to
operate. The relays are rated at 6A and 250Vac, so please pay attention to release parameters when in use with the shunt
release and closing release for remote control.
The relays can be configured to conditions in below table. Configuration is conveniently done using Power Trip Protection
Manager software. Pick-up levels for High Load 1 Alarm, High Load 2 Alarm, Ground Fault Early Warning and Thermal Memory
Alarm are also adjustable. The software is available as a download from the following link:
Function name
Description of relay operation
“The relay will close when...”
“The relay will open when ....”
Overload Trip
there is a Long or Over-temperature trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Neutral Trip
there is a Neutral Current trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Short Delay Trip
there is a Short Delay trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Instantaneous Trip
there is an Instantaneous trip or MCR trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Short Circuit Trip
there is a Short, Inst or High Inst trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Ground Fault Trip
there is a Ground Fault trip
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
All Trips
any of protective trip (Overload, Neutral, Short Delay,
Instantaneous, Ground)
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
High Load 1
current flow is greater than set point (adjustable from
50% to 120% of I
current flow falls 5% below the set point
High Load 2
current flow is greater than set point (adjustable from
50% to 120% of I
current flow falls 5% below the set point
Over Temperature Alarm
temperature exceeds 5℃ below the level of the
temperature trip setting
temperature falls 5ºC below the setting
Ground Fault Early Warning
ground current is greater than the set point (adjustable
from 50% to 100%)
ground current falls 5% below the set point
Thermal Memory
the Thermal Memory value is greater than set point
(adjustable from 50% to 100%)
Thermal Memory falls 5% below the set point
auxiliary power is active and the trip unit is healthy and
there is an error detected in the trip unit from any of the self-diagnostics
Low Battery
the battery is below 1 bar (20%)
the battery value is 1 bar (20%) or higher
Internal (HW) Fault
there is an internal fault detected
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Setpoint Mismatch
a setpoint in the trip unit does not match the CAM's
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Breaker Health Alarm
the health value is at or above the set point
the health value is below the set point
Communication Error
any external communications error occurs
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
All Faults
any of Internal Fault, Setpoint Mismatch, Breaker Health
Alarm, or Communication Error faults
all of Internal Fault, Setpoint Mismatch, Breaker Health Alarm, or Communication
Error are inactive
Aux Contact
breaker is closed
breaker is open
Trip Contact
breaker is tripped
breaker is not tripped (it is open or closed)
ZSI Active
the ZSI function active
ZSI is not active
ZSI Input Received
a ZSI INPUT signal is received
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
ZSI Output Sent
a ZSI OUTPUT signal is sent
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received
Open Breaker Pulse
an OPEN breaker command from any of the
communications channels is received
2 seconds after the OPEN breaker command is received
Close Breaker Pulse
a CLOSE breaker command from any of the
communications channels is received
2 seconds after the CLOSE breaker command is received