LMR PLUS Electric Fire Pump Controllers with Transfer Switch
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For more information visit: www.chfi re.com
January 2012
FT80 Reduced Voltage - Wye Delta (Star-Delta) Closed
Door Mount
The membrane keypad is accessible from the
front door of the controller.
NEMA Rating
The standard membrane keypad is rated for
NEMA 2, 3R, 4, 4X and 12.
LCD Display
The Logic Control Board contains a 4 Line by 40
Characters wide, backlit, LCD display which is
capable of generating multiple languages.
Alarm & Status LED’s
A total of 20, ( 10 Status - 10 Alarm ) LED’s
provide indication on the membrane keypad.
Power On
Pump Running
Local Start
Remote Start
Deluge Valve
Emergency Start
Interlock On
Low Pressure
Auto Shutdown Enabled
Programmable LED # 1
Phase Reversal
Phase Failure
Fail To Start
Low Room Temperature
Locked Rotor Trip
Low Suction Pressure
Source 2 Disconnected
Programmable LED # 2
Status LED’s
Alarm LED’s
Silence Button
A silence pushbutton on the membrane can
be used to silence the buzzer. When an alarm
condition exists, the alarm buzzer will sound. If
the Silence Alarm button is pressed, the alarm
buzzer will turn off. If a subsequent alarm con-
dition occurs after the silence button is pressed,
the buzzer will re-sound. Pressing the Silence
Alarm button again, will silence the buzzer.
Motor Test Button
The motor test button on the membrane can be
used to simulate an automatic start.
Automatic Shutdown Enabled
When the Automatic Shutdown function is en-
abled, a Green LED will indicate on the control-
ler membrane.
The main display will show the current system
pressure, time and date, voltage and amps
reading for all three phases, the system fre-
quency and any custom messages, alarms or
Programmed Set-Point
The set-point display will show programmed
pressure start point, pressure stop point and
weekly test timer setting.
The statistics display will allow the user to scroll
through all of the measured statistics stored in
memory. Refer to LMR Plus operation manual
IM05805020K for specifi c details.
The diagnostics display will allow the user to
scroll thorough eleven diagnostic points to assist
with troubleshooting the system.
Message History
The user will be able to scroll through all of
the messages stored in the memory of the
controller with the most recent message being
displayed fi rst.
All fault and alarm information is sent to the
USB and Printer ports on demand, as well as
the status of each output. The LMR Plus will
store up to 10K events which are time and date
stamped. All information can also be retrieved
and displayed on the LCD display.
Saving to USB Drive
The controller will save four separate text fi les,
one CSV fi le and the embedded webpage to the
USB external drive. The fi les, at maximum size,
can be saved multiple times on one 128MB USB
Files to be saved are: Status Report, Diagnostics
Report, Statistics Report, Confi guration File and
Last 10K Messages.
Print Menu
The printer menu is accessed in order to select
the desired print function.
Functions include: Print Messages, Last XX Mes-
sages, Date & Time, Status Report, Diagnostics
Report and Statistics Report.
Custom Messages
When this item is selected, custom messages
can be cleared from memory or downloaded
from the USB external drive.
Firmware Update
Firmware revisions are updated from an ex-
ternal USB drive. All previously programmed
settings will remain intact when updating is
completed. Should there be an update failure,
the controller will automatically revert back to
the previous version of fi rmware.
Embedded Webpage
The embedded webpage is a multifunction tool
that will allow the user to view the current sta-
tus of the controller as well as display all current
readings, set points, and history. An external
computer can be connected via the optional Eth-
ernet port to access the page. When connected,
the controller set points can be programmed via
the webpage.
Multiple Pages
There are 5 viewable pages that show the Main
Display, Statistics, Diagnostics, History and
Programmed Set Points.
Pressure Points
The pressure reports recorded in memory can
be graphed and/or sorted based on date and
Programmed Set Points
All of the programmed set points and their cur-
rent status can be viewed via the webpage.
Custom Messages
Users can create custom messages on a
computer and upload to the controller using a
USB Drive (memory stick). Up to 10 custom
messages of up to 100 characters each, will
continuously scroll across the fourth line of the
LCD display once uploaded.
Trigger Points
The message can be programmed to appear at
specifi c trigger points such as specifi c date and
time, specifi c number of operations, specifi c
number of hours run or at any individual alarm
All of the trigger points can be selected as And/
Or values.