Instruction Leaflet IL
Effective December 2010
Instructions for DNP MINT Translator Module
Installation and Use
I.L. 66A7638H03
Effective September 2007
DNP Application Confirmation
Wait Timeout
The DNP Application Confirmation Wait
Timeout setting is the number of 10 ms
increments the DNP MINT will wait for an
application confirmation from the master device.
This value is set in the DNP MINT summary
table and applies to all DNP MINT messages
(DNP MINT counters and its 16 devices).
INCOM Scan Level Settings
Configuration of each of the 16 virtual INCOM
devices requires information such as an INCOM
command scan list and various object point lists
that the device will support. (This information is
automatically generated when, for instance, a
pre-defined configuration tag is selected.) In run
mode, the DNP MINT will continually scan the
16 devices and enter the obtained information in
a database. The scan sequence for the devices
can be configured with a priority scheme to
allow more important information to be
refreshed in the database more often. The DNP
MINT will sequence through all the Scan Level
1 (Poll) commands for all 16 devices. Upon
completion the DNP MINT will then obtain all
Scan Level 2 (Interleaved) commands for one of
the devices. If the device has any Scan Level
2/3 (Timer2/Timer3) commands and the
corresponding “INCOM Level 2/3 Scan Timer”
has expired, the command will be included in
the Interleaved command list. These “INCOM
Level 2/3 Scan Timer” settings are the number
of 1 second increments the DNP MINT will wait
to insert the command into the Interleaved
Associated with each Scan Level is an “INCOM
Scan Level Count To Generate Point Off-Line”
setting. This setting is the number of
consecutive times an object’s data is not
received from the INCOM device to flag a DNP
“off-line” state. Note that each object (point)
has an associated Scan Level. These settings
have a count range of 0 to 15. A setting of 0
will force the “off-line” flag state. Any attempt
to set a count to a value greater than 15 will
force the setting to 15.
8.2.10 DNP Object Variation Default
A Read (Function Code 01) request using
Variation 0 from the master device allows the
outstation to select the object variation of the
response data. For the DNP MINT counter
objects, the Variation will default to 6 (16-bit
Binary Counter without Flag). For the 16
devices, the default Variation for each Group
can be set, as listed in
Table 9
. If a setting
contains a value not defined by DNP, that value
will be indicated but the default value shown in
the table will be used.
8.2.11 INCOM Address Settings
In order for one of the 16 virtual devices to be
enabled and communicate to an INCOM device,
a valid INCOM address must be configured.
The “INCOM Main Address” setting must
match the selected device’s INCOM address.
An invalid “INCOM Main Address” setting will
disable communications on the INCOM network
for that virtual device. Note that valid INCOM
addresses range from 1 through 4095 (0FFF
The “INCOM Sub-Network Address” is
reserved for future sub-network device access
and cannot be changed from its 0 setting.