Intelligent Technologies (
Pub. No. MN05004001E
September 2002
Using a Generic DeviceNet Tool
When configuring the D77B-DSNAP with a DeviceNet management tool other than CH
Studio, refer to the tables in Appendix A: Supported DeviceNet Objects for the definitions of
individual attributes. In addition, an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) file is available at the Web
site for use with tools that can use an EDS file.
Follow these steps to configure a D77B-DSNAP through a generic DeviceNet tool:
1. Search for EDS and download the D77B-DSNAP EDS file from the Cutler-Hammer Web
Note: There are multiple EDS files for the D77B-DSNAP, depending on whether it is used with
an FVR, FVNR or S751 configuration.
2. Open/start the tool.
3. Load the EDS file into the tool.
4. Go on-line and connect to the D77B-DSNAP you wish to configure.
5. Open the EDS for the D77B-DSNAP and edit the attributes. For a full list of attributes and
definitions, see Appendix A: Supported DeviceNet Objects.
6. Send the changed attributes to the D77B-DSNAP.
7. Close the tool.
Autoconfiguring the D77B-DSNAP for the Starter
1. Verify the D77B-RJJ1 is installed between J1 on the D77B-DSNAP and J1 on the Starter
Terminal Adapter.
2. Connect the “out-of-box” D77B-DSNAP to a powered DeviceNet network.
3. Apply power to the starter terminal adapter, the MS/NS LED should change from
blinking red to blinking green.
4. If possible verify that the configuration has occurred by reading the device type from the
Identity Object (instance 1 attribute 2)
0x000C — Configuration has not occurred
0x0016 — Starter
0x0017 — S751 Soft Start
Note: It can take as long as 15 seconds for the autoconfiguration to be performed on an S751
and 7 seconds for an
IT. Starter.
Note: The autoconfiguration is a one-time event. To autoconfigure the D77B-DSNAP for
another motor controller, an out-of-box reset must be performed. Using a DeviceNet
configuration tool, perform a reset to the Identity Object, instance 1 data = 1.