Effective Date: 2/04
Page 4-21
IQ 300
Effective Date: 2/04
Page 4-21
For more information visit:
4.10.4 System Frequency
Scroll up or down the Edit Menu options, when you
reach FREQ IN HZ, press the Enter button.
This screen, shown in figure 4.31, displays the electrical
system frequency in Hz.
This screen initializes with the frequency of the system
being monitored selected and displayed. The screen will
display either 60 Hz
or 50 Hz.
To specify the frequency of the system being monitored,
press either of the Scroll arrows to toggle between 60 Hz and 50 Hz. When the
desired choice is displayed, press Enter to lock in the selection.
If the procedure completes successfully, Download OK appears briefly. The display
then returns to the previous screen.
4.10.5 Wiring Configuration
Scroll up or down the Edit Menu options until you
reach the 3/4 WIRE option, press the Enter button.
This screen displays the current wiring configuration of
the system being monitored.
This screen, shown in figure 4.32, initializes with the
wiring configuration of the system being monitored
selected and displayed. The screen will display
Wire or 4 Wire.
To specify the wiring configuration of the system being monitored, press either of the
Scroll arrows to toggle between 3 Wire and 4 Wire. When the desired choice is
displayed, press Enter to lock in the selection.
If the procedure completes successfully, Download OK appears briefly. The display
then returns to the previous screen.
4.10.6 CT Ratio
See table 2.4 for data ranges before specifying
the CT ratio.
Scroll up or down the Edit Menu options until you
reach the CT RATIO\5 screen, press the Enter button.
This screen, shown in figure 4.33, displays the ratios of
the current transformers connected to the IQ 300. This
screen initializes with the ratio of the current transform-
ers being used with the IQ 300 selected and displayed.
To specify the ratio of the current transformers being used with the IQ 300, press
either of the
arrows repeatedly to step through the choices individually, or
press and hold either of the
arrows to step through the choices rapidly. There
Figure 4.31 System
Frequency Display
3/4 WIRE
Figure 4.32 System
Frequency Display
Figure 4.33 CT Ratio