Eagle Healthmate
Back Strengthener
Getting Into Position:-
Place feet slightly pigeon-toed, directly
under the hips: can be done with knees slightly bent.
Tilt the pelvis forward, lengthen through the spine, and tuck the
chin under for alignment.
The Benefits of the Back strengthener position:-
A good
foundation posture; strengthens the whole back& arms, releasing
tension in the shoulders.
Quadriceps Stretch
Getting Into Position:-
Keep the knees even and draw up
through the abdomen.
The Benefits of the Quadriceps Stretch:-
Beneficial for
strengthening the standing leg. Promotes flexibility and
blood flow to the feet, ankles and calves. Helps to improve
One-Legged Stance
Getting Into Position:-
Always place the foot above or
below the knee.
-Keep hips even and rotate knee out to the side.
The benefits of One-Legged Stance:-
Great leg
strengthener, promotes balance and focus and opens up
the hips.
Deep Lunge
Getting Into Position:-
Keep the front knee on top or behind
the ankle.
The Benefits of Deep Lunge:-
Strengthens the quadriceps of
both legs, working into psoas muscles(these lie behind the
abdominal contents, running from the lumbar spine to the
inner thighs near the hip joints) and increases hamstring
flexibility. Can be done holding the handles for balance.