6] All anchors must have a minimum of 3 ¼” embedment in the concrete. If the top of the anchor
exceeds 2 ¼” above the floor grade, you
have enough depth on the anchors.
Securing the Off Side Post
1] Re-check the position and placement of the Off Side Post. Make sure the post is plumb and
square in relation to the Main Side Post.
2] Drill through the holes in the base plate and install anchor bolts and secure the Off Side Post
as described in
Step 5, numbers 1-6 above.
3] Both posts are now secured.
Installing the Cables
1] Manually raise both carriages to rest on the second set of locks from the floor (Fig. 9).
(Fig. 9)
2] Make sure both carriages are resting on the second set of locks. Carriages must be equal
height from floor.
3] Unwrap both cables. Install 2 nuts on one end of each cable. About an inch (1”) of thread
should show through the nuts. Lock these two nuts tightly against each other. This end will be
inside and at the rear of the carriage after routing.
4] With both carriages in place on the second set of locks, route cables as shown (Fig. 10).