5. Email Setting
After login, enter into email setting interface follow “Network” -> “Email setting”, the functions support email upload are “motion detection”, “sensor detection”, “HDD error”,
“video lost”, “over temperature”, “video shield”, the interface is the right figure:
6. Platform Server
This function reserve for add platform server in future, the interface is as right picture:
Email linkage setting steps:
(1) First enable the “Email Linkage” setting in Motion or Sensor or Video lost interface.
(2) Set the email server address. Default is smtp.126.com.
(3) Input the email username and password which account you applied in email service provider.
(4) Input the mail address which applied from SMTP server in the “Sender email”.
(5) Input the receiver mail box which can be multiple and separated by “;” The maximum length of the letter
you input is 256 bit.
(6) Default port is 25, nomally do not need to change.
(7) Set the e-mail upload interval time, that is the time interval for upload alarm informationto the target
email, no matter how many times alarm triggered, it just upload once during every interval time.
(8) Select “Upload snapshot”, it will send the picture which snapshoted by the DVR system when alarm
happens to the email address you have set (Video lost will not upload snapshot picture, it will only send
text message).
(9) After saved the setting, the receiver mailbox will get the alarm information mail whenalarm is triggered.
(10) Enable “SSL Secure Logon”: This is option function, some email service need safe connection. Please
according to actual email setting to select SSL.
For example: gmai, 163, yahoo email (port is 465) and Hotmail email (port is 25) should enable “SSL Secure
(11) If mail unable to send, please check whether DVR can access internet, or the mail server can work well.